There will be no need for the usual pleasantries because I know you are doing just great. In fact, you are someone I see almost every day. I’m like a big, no I mean huge fan of your prowess with words. I used to see myself as a great Scrabble player till I had a one-on-one game with you yesterday. Mehn, I was humbled beyond words. It’s still amazing how you did that. Me? I can’t even gloat anymore. The trophy has been taken by you. What??? Why??? How???
You do remember how it all started. You came home, I was playing Scrabble on the laptop. You asked innocently ‘’Is that Scrabble I see you playing?’’ I looked at you with this wide grin on my face and I said ‘’Yes, I just beat the computer by 60 points’’ (And I’m a pro ooo). I remember this weird smile that came on your face for an instant and the words popped out from your mouth ‘’Let’s play; I love this game’’. As proud as I was, I shrugged and said ‘’Ohkay’’. In my mind I was actually saying ‘’Heehee, you are gonna get beat down’’.
The game started off pretty nice. I led by a few points. At that moment, I was ecstatic, thinking to myself ‘’Damn, I’m totally gonna win this game’’. It seemed like you were reading my thoughts because you had this look on your face saying ‘’She has no idea what is in store for her’’. I went on to play the word ‘’Xerox’’ which increased my points by 46, was it 46? Yeah, 46. There I was singing to myself ‘’The champ is here, bim-bim-bim-bim- The champ is here’’.
I sang too soon because shortly after, you played the word ‘’Question’’ next to ‘’Able’’. I can’t remember how many points you got from that but it was enough for me to murmur to myself ‘’Well-played; Well-played’’. All the while, you kept quiet, you were really concentrating so hard. I became nauseous, I couldn’t lose to you, not now after winning so many games? I was antsy because I could see for myself that with 25 tiles left and just a few points more, you would be declared winner and I would have to do the ‘’Scrabble walk of shame’’ with my head drooping.
So, I reassured myself with the false hope that it may be ‘’initial gra-gra’’.

Be prepared for our next tournament. I love you but I wanna win toooo...*sulking*
Your loving daughter,